Our farmer team consists of expert in horticulture, who helps you to choose the best quality and fresh fruits and vegetables direct from the their fields.

Nicole Jonshon
He majored in botany at Oregon State University and later at Naropa University. His first venture into organic gardening came after visiting the famous French intensive gardens at UC Santa Cruz, and he has been vegetable gardening in double-dug raised beds ever since. After he completed organic horticulture program from University of Montona, he started...

John Doe
He graduated in agriculture from university of Philadelphia. He is actively involved in all day to day working of the farm and marketing. He also developed a group of farmer for collective effort. After seeing the potential of the new variety, he has taken up seed production from past few years.

William Smith
He is a very hard working farmer and able to grasp the technologies faster and adopt it. He is actively involved in all day to day working of the farm and marketing. He started using both bio-fertiliser (Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB), Azospirillum & Azotobacter) and bio-pesticides to enrich the soil for farming. After seeing the...